54°30'38"N 3°09'17"W · 133 m
How to get there?
Nearest postcode for car park:
CA12 5XN
The Borrowdale Mill is tucked away and can be quite tricky to find. You'll find this 'secret' location at Coombe Gill, between Rosthwaite and Seatoller in Borrowdale, Keswick. There is a fairly decent sized National Trust car park behind Seatoller Farm which I would recommend using as a good starting point. From the car park, you'll want to take a left back onto the B5289 and walk in the direction of Keswick.
After around 10 minutes walking time, you'll come to two blocks of white cottages on your left hand side. A little further around the left bend in the road (after you've past the cottages) you'll find a wooden gate on your right. Ignore this gate and take the next one which you'll find a few yards further up the road.
Once through the gate, there are some faint tyre markings which will bend right towards a stone wall. Follow this path, keeping to the left side of the wall. Eventually, you'll walk past a stone structure which i think used to be an old power house.
You'll then briefly walk through a small wooded area, followed by walking over the bridge which crosses Coombe Gill. Follow the path to your right and you will very shortly find yourself at the Borrowdale Mill. 😁👌
